This file contains 2 .bgl files to improve the existing FSX airport.

The .ade file was included but is not to be used with FS. It is for use ONLY WITH AIRPORT DESIGN EDITOR as a base to modify the scenery as you wish. I used Airport Design Editor to create the files.

To install, simply unzip the file into any convenient
location, then copy both .bgl files to your FSX Addon Scenery
folder ( or wherever else you may be placing addons ). Placing the files into "program files/microsoft games/microsoft flight simulator X/Addon Scenery/Scenery" should do it. No activation is usually required for these files.

The files were tested on a separtate computer with XP & FSX standard, and created on FSX Deluxe\SP2 with SDK & Airport Design Editor installed on another.

Install and use these files at your own risk. I declare these files to be "public domain" but would appreciate a little credit for the basic files should you improve and publish a better version. For this reason , I have included the .ade file.

One final note, you will have to select a specific runway to start, otherwise it will start in "the dirt".


Carl "Kamakazi" Kerns
February 2009